St John Vianneys Church - Edinburgh (Scotland)

St John Vianneys Church - Edinburgh (Scotland)

St John Vianneys Church, situated in the serene suburb of Gilmerton/Inch in Edinburgh, Scotland, is a cherished spiritual haven for the local community. This inviting church is known for its warm and welcoming atmosphere, making visitors feel immediately at ease. The church's beautiful singing and child-friendly environment make it a joyful place for people of all ages. With its dedicated clergy and active participation from parishioners, St John Vianneys provides an enriching and supportive space for spiritual growth and communal gatherings. Its location in a tranquil part of Edinburgh further enhances its appeal.

⌛ Mass Times at St John Vianneys Church

The mass times for St John Vianneys Church are listed below. To confirm the exact time, we recommend contacting the church through one of the contacts you'll find below.

DayMass Times

🕯️ Confessions and Other Services

Unfortunately we cannot provide data on confessions or other church services. We recommend you speak to them directly for more information.

🕰️ Visiting Hours for St John Vianneys Church

We currently do not have information on the opening hours for St John Vianneys Church.

⛪ Contact Information

Name St John Vianneys Church
Address 40 Fernieside Gardens, Edinburgh EH17 7HN, UK
Neighbourhood -
City Edinburgh
Country Scotland
Phone +44 131 658 1793
Email -
Incorrect Information?
We make efforts to keep our directory of United Kingdom’s churches current and accurate, but we know we sometimes make mistakes. If you’ve found any data that are incorrect about St John Vianneys Church, please let us know so we can correct it.

📍 How to Get to St John Vianneys Church

To conclude, we offer you a basic map that you can open on your cell phone to find directions to this parish.

🕊️ Other Churches in Edinburgh

Looking for more options? Don't worry! In our church directory you'll find more options in the Edinburgh area:

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