St Columba’s Church - Birnam (Scotland)

St Columba’s Church - Birnam (Scotland)

St Columba’s Church, located in Birnam, Scotland, is a place imbued with historic charm and spiritual vibrancy. The church, with its welcoming atmosphere, offers a peaceful retreat and a strong sense of community. Noteworthy for its striking architecture and energetic clergy, St Columba’s provides an uplifting experience for visitors and congregants alike. The setting of the church is particularly captivating, adding to the overall enriching experience of attending service or simply visiting. Whether seeking solace or community, St Columba’s Church stands as a beacon of warmth and faith in the heart of Birnam.

⌛ Mass Times at St Columba’s Church

The mass times for St Columba’s Church are listed below. To verify the exact time, we recommend contacting the church through one of the contacts you'll find below.

DayMass Times

🕯️ Confessions and Other Services

Unfortunately we cannot provide details on confessions or other church services. We recommend you communicate with them directly for more information.

🕰️ Visiting Hours for St Columba’s Church

We currently do not have information on the opening hours for St Columba’s Church.

⛪ Contact Information

Name St Columba’s Church
Address Birnam, Dunkeld PH8 0BH, UK
Neighbourhood -
City Birnam
Country Scotland
Phone -
Email -
Website -
Incorrect Information?
We make efforts to keep our directory of United Kingdom’s churches current and accurate, but we know we sometimes make mistakes. If you’ve found any data that are incorrect about St Columba’s Church, please notify us so we can correct it.

📍 Directions to St Columba’s Church

Finally, we offer you a simple map that you can open on your cell phone to find directions to this parish.

🕊️ Other Churches in Birnam

Looking for more options? Don't worry! In our church directory you'll find more options in the Birnam area:

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