Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic Church - New Forest (England)

Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic Church - New Forest (England)

Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, located in the suburb of Milford-on-Sea in New Forest, England, holds historical significance as a former Village Institute. The church was converted from this building in 1967. Its roots trace back to December 1938 when Franciscan Sisters opened a chapel to the public at Maryland House. Offering a warm and welcoming atmosphere, the church has become a focal point for the local community. Though not notable for its architectural grandeur, it remains a cherished place of worship and community gatherings.

⌛ Mass Times at Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic Church

The mass times for Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic Church are listed below. To verify the exact time, we recommend contacting the church through one of the methods you'll find below.

DayMass Times

🕯️ Confessions and Other Services

Unfortunately we cannot provide data on confessions or other religious ceremonies. We recommend you contact them directly for more information.

🕰️ Visiting Hours for Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic Church

We currently do not have information on the opening hours for Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic Church.

⛪ Contact Information

Name Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic Church
Address 11 Park Ln, Milford on Sea, Lymington SO41 0PT, UK
Neighbourhood Milford-on-Sea
City New Forest
Country England
Phone +44 1590 676696
Email -
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📍 How to Get to Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic Church

Finally, we offer you a simple map that you can open on your mobile device to find directions to this church.

🕊️ Other Places of Worship in New Forest

Looking for more options? Don't worry! In our church directory you'll find more options in the New Forest area:

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