St William of York R C Church - London (England)

St William of York R C Church - London (England)

The St William of York R C Church, situated in the suburb of Stanmore in London, England, serves as an important spiritual centre for the local Catholic community. This charming church features modern architecture complemented by a spacious and clean interior, making it ideal for both regular worship and special occasions. The church hall is a popular venue for events, offering excellent acoustics and ample parking facilities. Visitors can often find a dedicated team ensuring the space remains tidy, and the vibrant choir adds a delightful element to the overall experience.

⌛ Mass Times at St William of York R C Church

The mass times for St William of York R C Church are listed below. To confirm the exact time, we recommend contacting the church through one of the channels you'll find at the bottom.

DayMass Times
Sunday08:00, 10:00, 17:30

🕯️ Confessions and Other Services

In addition to mass, this religious institution offers a variety of religious services, such as confessions, baptismal ceremonies, marriages, funeral services, and other events.

The confession schedule is on Saturdays from 10:00 to 10:30 AM.

🕰️ Visiting Hours for St William of York R C Church

We currently do not have information on the opening hours for St William of York R C Church.

⛪ Contact Information

Name St William of York R C Church
Address 1 Du Cros Dr, Stanmore HA7 4TJ, UK
Neighbourhood Stanmore
City London
Country England
Phone +44 20 8954 1299
Email -
Website -
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We make efforts to keep our directory of United Kingdom’s churches current and accurate, but we know we sometimes make mistakes. If you’ve found any data that are incorrect about St William of York R C Church, please inform us so we can correct it.

📍 How to Get to St William of York R C Church

To conclude, we offer you a basic map that you can open on your cell phone to find directions to this parish.

🕊️ Other Places of Worship in London

Looking for more options? Don't worry! In our church directory you'll find more options in the London area:

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