Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic Church - Hull (England)

Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic Church - Hull (England)

The Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, located in the suburb of Garden Village in Hull, England, is a modern and welcoming place of worship. Constructed between 1996 and 1997 to replace an earlier porta cabin church established in 1973, this church is designed by architect Vincent Stienlet from Newcastle. The building features wheelchair access, a disabled toilet, and a loop system for hearing aids. Despite its few external windows, the interior is illuminated by a large roof window. Visitors can also benefit from the good-sized car park available.

⌛ Mass Times at Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic Church

The mass times for Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic Church are listed below. To verify the exact time, we recommend contacting the church through one of the methods you'll find below.

DayMass Times

🕯️ Confessions and Other Services

In addition to mass, this religious institution offers a variety of ceremonies, such as confessions, baptismal ceremonies, weddings, funeral services, and other events.

Confessions are scheduled on Sundays from 9:00 AM to 9:15 AM, and are also available upon request.

🕰️ Visiting Hours for Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic Church

We currently do not have information on the opening hours for Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic Church.

⛪ Contact Information

Name Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic Church
Address 45 Wembley Park Ave, Hull HU8 0ND, UK
Neighbourhood Garden Village
City Hull
Country England
Phone +44 1482 835707
Email -
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📍 How to Get to Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic Church

Finally, we offer you a basic map that you can open on your cell phone to find directions to this church.

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