St Catherine's Church, Littlehampton - Arun (England)

St Catherine's Church, Littlehampton - Arun (England)

St Catherine's Church, situated in Arun, England, offers a welcoming and serene environment for its visitors. The church's architecture is noteworthy, providing a peaceful sanctuary for prayer and reflection. Regular attendees often gather for services here, creating a familial atmosphere, especially appreciated during Sunday masses. The church is led by Father Carl, who is known for his passionate sermons. Despite mixed reviews about the delivery of his messages, many find the spiritual experience deeply fulfilling. Overall, St Catherine's Church remains a significant spiritual hub in the community of Littlehampton.

⌛ Mass Times at St Catherine's Church, Littlehampton

The mass times for St Catherine's Church, Littlehampton are listed below. To confirm the exact time, we recommend contacting the church through one of the channels you'll find below.

DayMass Times
Sunday11:00, 18:00

🕯️ Confessions and Other Services

Unfortunately we cannot provide information on confessions or other religious ceremonies. We recommend you communicate with them directly for more information.

🕰️ Visiting Hours for St Catherine's Church, Littlehampton

We currently do not have information on the opening hours for St Catherine’s Church, Littlehampton.

⛪ Contact Information

Name St Catherine's Church, Littlehampton
Address 44 Beach Rd, Littlehampton BN17 5JH, UK
City Arun
Country England
Phone +44 1903 731171
Email -
Incorrect Information?
We make efforts to keep our directory of United Kingdom’s churches updated and accurate, but we know we sometimes make mistakes. If you’ve found any data that are incorrect about St Catherine’s Church, Littlehampton, please inform us so we can correct it.

📍 Directions to St Catherine's Church, Littlehampton

Finally, we offer you a basic map that you can open on your cell phone to find directions to this parish.

🕊️ Other Churches in Arun

Looking for more options? Don't worry! In our church directory you'll find more options in the Arun area:

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